国土地理院 | ゼンリン | 国際航業 | マップル |
北海道地図 | ジオテクノロジーズ | NTTインフラネット | 住友電気工業 |
国土交通省 | 日本測量機器工業会 | Autodesk | Esri |
MapInfo | OGC | Ordnance Survey | Ordnance Survey NTF |
PCI | SIS | USGS | 点群データ |
ラスタデータ | Web | その他 | 無償で利用可能なデータとサービス |
- GeognoSIS Tile Set (*.tileset)
- Simple Export Dataset (*.sed)
- Tile Database (*.tdb)
- SISグラフィックスファイル (*.sgf)
- XY/Z (*.xy,*.xyz)
- アイテムデータベース (*.idb)
- オーバーレイファイル (*.ovl)
- 汎用グリッド (*.grd)
- フィーチャデータベース (*.fdb)
- ベースデータセット (*.bds)
- ベースマップデータベース (*.bdb)
- Digital Elevation Model(1 degree)(*.dem)
- Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (Old style) (*.doq, *.nes, *.nws, *.ses, *.sws)
- Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (New Style) (*.doq, *.nes, *.nws, *.ses, *.sws)
- DLG-3 Optional Format(ASCII)(*.do, *.opt)
- GTOPO30(*.hdr)
- Optional ASCII DEM(*.dem)
- SDTS DEM(*.ddf)
- SRTM30(*.hdr, *.dem)
- ASCII テキストフォーマット (*.txt) ※XYZ形式
- ASPRS LAS (.las;.laz) ※LIDARプラグイン廃止
- ATM QFIT (*.qi)
- Binary Point Format (BPF) (*.bpf)
- ILVIS2 (*.txt)
- Optech Corrected Sensor Data (*.csd)
- PDAL Pipeline (*.json)
- Leica Cyclone PTS (*.pts)
- SBET (*.sbet)
- TerraSolid .bin file (*.bin)
- ACE2 Global Digital Elevation Model (*.ace2, *.gz)
- ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (*.gen, TRANSH01.thf)
- ARC Standard Raster Product (ASRP) (*.img,TRANSH01.thf)
- B&W TIFF with anti-aliasing (*.tif)
- Bathymetric Attributed Grid (*.bag)
- CEOS SAR Image File (*.img)
- Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (CADRG) (*.toc)
- Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics
- Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) (*.dt0, *.dt1)
- Enhanced Compressed Raster Graphic (*.xml)
- ENVI .hdr Labelled (*.evi)
- ENVISAT Image Product (*.n1)
- EOSAT FAST-L7A (Landsat TM)
- ERDAS APOLLO Essentials - Image Web Server
- ERDAS ECW Image (*.ecw)
- ERDAS GIS (*.gis)
- ERDAS LAN (*.lan)
- ERDAS Raw (*.raw)
- ER Mapper .ers Labelled (*.ers)
- FARSITE v.4 Landscape File (*.lcp)
- GDAL Virtual Raster Dataset (*.vrt)
- GDAL Web Map Service XML Dataset (*.wmsxml)
- Generic Binary (.hdr Labelled) (*.bil, *.bip, *.bsq)
- GRASS ASCII Grid (*.asc)
- Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) Release 4/5 (*.hdf)
- IDRISI Raster Format (*.rst)
- ILWIS Raster Maps and Map Lists (*.mpr, *.mpl)
- Image Display and Analysis (*.ida, *.img)
- Intergraph Raster Format (*.cit, *.rle)
- Japanese Aerospace eXploration Agency PALSAR Processed Products(*.5_UD)
- JPEG2000 (*.jp2, *.j2k, *.jpc, *.jpx, *.j2c)
- MBTiles (*.mbtiles)
- MrSID (*.sid)
- National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) (*.ntf, *.i12)
- NOAA/MAPTECH/NDI/SoftChart BSB (*.kap, *.nos)
- NOAA Polar Orbiter Level 1b Data Set (AVHRR instrument)(*.l1b, *.1b)
- Northwood/VerticalMapper Classified Grid Format (*.grc)
- Northwood/VerticalMapper Numeric Grid Format(*.grd)
- PCRaster Raster Format (*.map)
- Raw raster data (*.raw)
- RasterLite (*.sqlite)
- RLE (*.rle)
- Snow Data Assimilation System (*.hdr)
- SPOT Digital Image Map (DIMAP) (*.TIFF, *.DIM)
- Support (CALS) Raster Format (*.cal, *.cals, *.ras)
- Swedish Grid RIK (*.rik)
- TARGA image file (*.tga)
- USGS Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (Old style) (*.doq, *.nes, *.nws, *.ses, *.sws)
- USGS Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (New Style) (*.doq, *.nes, *.nws, *.ses, *.sws)
- USGS Optional ASCII DEM (*.dem)
- USGS Land Use Land Cover (LULC) Composite Theme Grids (*.gz)
- USGS SDTS DEM (*.ddf)
- Vaisala Sigmet Interactive Radar Information System (IRIS) data (*.dat)
- Vexcel MFF Raster (*.hdr)
- ZMap Plus Grids (*.dat)
- Zsoft Paintbrush (PCX) (*.pcx)
- 各種ラスタデータ (*.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.rlc, *.tif, *.tiff)
- Azure Maps(Basic、Hybrid、Labels、Satellite)
- Bing Maps Tiles (Aerial, Aerial with labels, Roads)
- Google Maps(Hybrid、Road Map、Satellite、Terrain)
- NASA World Wind
- OpenStreetMap
- OSGeo Tile Map Service
- タイルデータセット
- Adobe PDF (*.pdf)
- Azure Maps(Basic、Hybrid、Labels、Satellite)
- Binary Point Format (*.bpf)
- Binary Terrain Format (*.bt)
- Bing Maps Tiles (Aerial, Aerial with labels, Roads)
- DCW(Digital Chart of The World) VPF (*.dcw)
- Digital Nautical Chart (DNC)
- EuroNav (*.gxf)
- Genasys GenaMap (GenaMap) (*.di)
- General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) (*.asc)
- Geographic Objects for JSON (GeoJSON) (*.geojson,*.json,*.txt)
- Geosoft Grid Exchange Format (*.gxf)
- GeoMedia Access Warehouse (*.mdb)
- Global 1-Minute Gridded Elevation Data (ETOPO1) (*.flt)
- Global 2-Minute Gridded Elevation Data (ETOPO2) (*.dos)
- Global 5-Minute Gridded Elevation Data (ETOPO5) (*.bin, *.dos, *.dat)
- Global Land One-kilometer Base Elevation (GLOBE) database (*.glb)
- GMT netCDF Grid Format (*.grd)
- Golden Software 7 Binary Grid (*.grd)
- Golden Software ASCII Grid File Format (GSAG) (*.grd)
- Golden Software Binary Grid File Format (GSBG) (*.grd)
- Google Maps(Hybrid、Road Map、Satellite、Terrain)
- Google Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) (*.zip)
- GPS Exchange Format(GPX) (*.gpx)
- Italian Cadastral Exchanged Format (CXF) (*.cxf)
- JMCマップ (日本) (*.dat)
- JMC 50mメッシュ (標高) (*.mem)
- KF-85 (Sweden) (*.k85)
- Land & Property Services Northern Ireland (*.ntf)
- Lidar (*.dat)
- Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) (*.las)
- MapQuest OSM Tiles
- MapQuest Open Aerial Tiles
- Microsoft SQL Server Spatial
- MicroStation DGN (*.dgn)
- MIDAS XML (*.xml)
- NASA World Wind
- Network Common Data Form (netCDF) (*.nc)
- NGA Vector Map Level 0/1
- NGA VMAP0 Feature Table (*.aft, *.lft, *.pft, *.tft)
- Nigmas Interchange Format2 (*.dat)
- Northern Ireland Ordnance Survey (*.ntf)
- OGR Simple Features Library
- Open Street Map Tiles
- OpenStreetMap XML (*.osm;*.xml;.*.bz2)
- Optech Corrected Sensor Data (*.csd)
- Oracle GeoRaster/Network Model
- Oracle Spatial/Locator
- OSGeo Tile Map Service
- OSRM(*.osm)
- PDAL Pipeline (*.json)
- Post Office Address File (10m resolution) (*.paf)
- PostGIS
- PostGIS Raster
- RRASTER (*.grd)
- Safe Software Feature Manipulation Engine (FME)
- Samordnet Opplegg for Stedfestet Informasjon (SOSI) (*.sos)
- SBET (*.sbet)
- Scadec data eXchange Format (SXF) (*.p21, *.sfc) ※SIS 7.1 SR2より
- SIA dataMAP Export (*.adp)
- SICAD (*.sqd)
- Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) (*.hgt, *.hgtz)
- Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) (*.iden, *.ddf)
- Stamen Design Terrain/Toner/Toner lite/Watercolor
- TerraSolid .bin file (*.bin)
- TileJSON (*.json)
- Tile Map Service
- The United States National Grid
- Topological Objects for GeoJSON (TopoJSON) (*.json, *.topojson)
- US Census Bureau TIGER/Line 95 (*.bw1, *.rt1)
- Vaisala Sigmet Interactive Radar Information System (IRIS) data (*.dat)
- Windows MetaFile (*.wmf)
- 固定資産標準フォーマット(HSF2.0) (*.hsf)
- 電子海図 (S-57 Electronic Navigational) (*.000) ※S-63暗号化形式には対応していません。
- 電子海図 (S-57 Electronic Navigational Charts Catalog) (*.030,*.031) ※S-63暗号化形式には対応していません。
- 法務省地図XML (*.xml)
- FlatGeobuf(.fgb)
- HERE Map Premium Data Road Network